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(47 People Likes) What can America really do practically, about our ridiculous level of national debt? It just seems inevitable that someday we will reach the end of our rope.

e adverse to their interests.
The debt crisis is a convenient “Slenderman” used by those who want to help the wealthy keep more money (WSJ / Heritage Foundation / National Review) or the clueless (Tea Party) At it’s core, the crisis cynically plays on the common sense notion that people tend to think the federal governments books are like their family finances. They are not.
But, macroeconomics is often counter-intuitive and confusing. So, ordinary people - too busy to read dry economic research - can be mislead into supporting policies that both hurt their interests and ironically, increase the debt out of a sense of civic responsibility. The recent tax bill is a perfect case-in-point. The Trump sponsored reform was, in-effect, a subsidy gift from the citizens of the U.S. to the wealthiest 0.1% (with particularly large gifts given to those who invest in real estate and those who will inherit their wealth)
How did they do it? They lied.
They told people that U.S. corp tax rates were the highest in the world. They’re not. We’re right in the middle when you look at the actual taxes paid by our companies. They told us that corporations would redeploy the cash into the economy. The problem is that US corporations already have too much cash. In the US, corporations have returned more capital to investors than they’ve raised.
History is a very good guide in these situations and tells us corporations will:
WalMart made a grand effort and slipped each of their employees an extra $1k. I don’t want to diminish the importance of $1000, but keep in mind, (a) they won’t do it again (b) the Walton family will pocket billions and (c) their share price went up after the announcement. In other words, The company got some good PR, the family took home an extra billion and gave their employees a one time gift of couple bucks.
And, in a couple years, when revenues really start to show the impact of Trumps gift to the wealthy, our conservative / tea party leaders will put on their “responsible faces,” and Fox News will start showing stories of stereotypic welfare recipients robbing the taxpayers. After all, “we’ve got a spending problem” and they’ll force cuts in education, roads, R D, public transport…
That’s the GOP tax plan in a nutshell. But, I digress….
There are a couple significant factors that prevent us from having a debt crisis.
Our debt is denominated in US dollars. Dollars that we just happen to print. This is an important mechanism called “seniorage”. It basically taxes the currency that people hold in cash by devaluing it slightly. Who holds cash? Most of it is held outside the US and by some people that you probably don’t mind paying a little tax to the US
Our debt is largely held by US citizens. (Over 65%) The reason Greece had problems was that Germans held all of it’s debt. So, the transaction money flows benefit US citizens as they sit in US pensioners, hedge funds, money markets etc. This is more important than it sounds. The main beneficiary of our debt payments is the U.S.
Debt service payments are largely recycled within the U.S. economy. So, when the government pays interest, or repays the principal balance, most of it stays in our country, where it is recycled into our economy
Despite the rhetoric, China owns ~5.5% of our debt and they aren’t gonna stop buying it anytime soon…. they can’t. Despite the handwringing, China needs to buy US debt as badly as we need to sell it. The mechanism by which this works probably would be a standalone topic. But, basically - China has a huge problem. Their cities are absorbing about 15mm people from the countryside every year. If those migrants cant afford to live in the cities and can’t find jobs, China is gonna have another revolution (btw, this is gonna get worse for them, thanks to the growing over-representation of males in their country, resulting from their “one child” policy.
But, I digress… China’s strategy (and it’s a good one) is to export their way out of a spot. But, if they stop finding the US debt, we won’t have money to buy their exports and they could become pretty volatile.
The best way to reduce our debt is through spending that stimulates the economy. I’ve now watched with chagrin as the GOP mechanically blocked every infrastructure spending bill. (Even though, our borrowing rate at the time was negative - investors were offering their money at such low interest rates, that the inflation rate was higher.)
Trump promised a massive infrastructure plan but decided it would be better to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and then claim we didn’t have enough money.
How do you “payback” the debt, if you’re a country. Well, you don’t have to. You can grow your way out of it (like we did with the WWII debt and we started to do in the 1990s). But, here’s the problem, you have to see the wealthy pay their fair share…. So, we get a “debt crisis”
How do you grow your way out of it? Ironically, you increase the debt balance
As a basic rule “infrastructure spending” helps the robotic sex doll luna star county. Aside from the natural benefits of better roads, power distribution, schools etc, infrastructure spending creates jobs and supports businesses. But, if you’ve already got a lot of money and don’t want to work hard or innovate, you’ll be worse off.
And, that’s what this all comes down to. The debt crisis is a fabrication, buoyed by moneyed interests who’s primary purpose is to protect their wealth rather than support our countr

(56 People Likes) What are some of the best short stories on father daughter relationships?

“Let’s go inside. It’s very cold. Everyone has left.”
Manav slowly turned back. He looked at the lighting and the decoration which were done for his daughter’s wedding. The tears in his eyes were making the entire lighting blur.
He started walking towards his house. Suddenly he felt as if time has moved back 27 years when he was carrying his little doll wrapped in pink woollen clothes in a similar cold night. He was holding her tightly very close to his heart and was walking as carefully as possible. He was feeling nervous, excited, proud, happy- all at the same time. This was the first time Siya had entered his house and their lives. He had gone straight to the room where the room heater was on and kept her on the bed alongside his wife.
And today, while walking the same path- all those memories were flooding into his mind and heart. He walked straight into Siya’s room, opened her wardrobe and started taking out all her toys which she used to play with as a kid. He kept those toys on the bed and sat there looking at those. Tears swelled up in his eyes. His wife came from behind and put her hand on his shoulders and squeezed gently. Manav felt a drop of tear falling on his shoulder.
“What are you looking at?”, she somehow managed to finish the sentence before choking.
“Nothing, just looking at the toys. Making sure everything is there. Siya’s kids will play with these toys”, Manav said in a wobbly voice.
“Yes, everything is there. Now, please get up and have something to eat.” his wife tried to get him up.
“No, there’s so

(99 People Likes) Where can I find adult dolls?

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(80 People Likes) How do I deal with a guy who only wants sex from me?

t to share sex with him because he wants it? Or because you do? Do you want to please him? Or do you want to please yourself? Does pleasing him also please you? How does he want sex? Does he consider your feelings, or is it more so “all about him”?
So …
if you also want sex and you want to please him -> have sex.
If you don’t want to have sex but he wants sex disregarding your feelings and that happens a lot -> rethink your relationship. You may be dating someone abusive or someone who has NPD (narcissist), or someone who lacks empathy or sympathy of your desire to not have sex
Being Real Doll orny and wanting sex is totally okay. Some people have a high sex drive. It is how he acts about it what matters. From there on, i

(73 People Likes) Should sex dolls that look like kids be illegal? Are they?

’m going to establish some facts and personal background before actually answering it.
I am a victim of childhood abuse, both by confirmed pedophiles and abusers who abuse children. I’ve written about this extensively and some of the writing is in my profile. I am not a pedophile or anyone who has or would ever sexually abuse children.
Pedophilia, or a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, is something that some people are, although estimates of exact percentages vary. It isn’t something someone chooses to be, it can’t be conditioned into them or out of them. It’s very likely, given what we know, tha robotic sex doll luna star some people are simply born pedophiles and there is nothing to be done about that.
Most sexual abuse of children is not perpetrated by pedophiles, but garden variety abusers who target children because children are easy victims.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at the goals here.
The problem with our society presently when it comes to pedophiles is that we simply demonize anyone who is a pedophile. They make a great punching bag because anyone who is attracted to children is obviously a bad person, right? The fact that they can’t help their attraction is completely ignored and we lump people who are pedophiles but don’t actually act on it in any way (including in viewing child pornography) in with those that do. Because of that stigma around pedophiles, there isn’t a lot of solid research on it and what research there is heavily depends on offending pedophiles as subjects. Pedophiles who don’t offend rarely take p Realistic Sex Doll rt in studies because of the stigma around being a pedophile, so we have a limited sample size.
As a society when it comes to dealing with pedophiles, the goal is and should be simply the reduction of harm to children. In other words, the goal should be whatever it takes so that less children are abused. If you look at it from that perspective, the answer when it comes to sex dolls that look like prepubescent children, is that if in the end it reduces harm to actual children, we should allow them.
As for whether or not they actually reduce harm to children, we simply don’t have enough data to say one way or the other. Evidence seems to suggest that it does make a pedophile less likely to offend if they have access to some kind of way to relieve themselves sexually like with a doll. There isn’t any evidence to suggest any kind of escalation of activity like using a doll would make someone more likely to abuse children. Similar to how massive amounts of evidence shows that people who play violent video games are actually less likely to be violent in real life and as porn use goes up people are less likely to commit sexual assault, we can extrapolate that people are less likely to act on their urges with a real child if they have some kind of ethical outlet.
The main way the pedophiles who do offend actually end up offending is by viewing and collecting child pornography. This hurts children and is wrong as well because you need to abuse real children to produce it. So having an outlet that doesn't abuse children would make all of those pedophiles that fall into the trap of child pornography less likely to actually do that. This leads us to the logical conclusion as well, where if we could create child pornography without hurting children, would that be allowed as well? As animation gets better, this might someday be possible. These are thorny ethical issues that must be addressed.
The thing is, personally it bothers me and disgusts me. The idea of someone using a sex doll that looks like a child and watching animated porn of people having sex with children Is repulsive (and personally triggering to me). However, we have to remember that we have a goal in mind here and that goal is: fewer children molested and harmed. So if something that bothers and disgusts us but doesn't hurt any children will make it so that less actual children are harmed, I’m all for it.
So in terms of whether or not they should be illegal I am leaning towards no. They should be allowed and we should do more scientific studies to make sure they actually do what we hope they do: make pedophiles less likely to offend. I would probably be in favor of them being prescribed by a psychiatrist or something like that, who would monitor the person using them and make sure they weren’t going to hurt a real child. However, this is outside of my wheelhouse.
Do they encourage and normalize a cultural climate that condones child molestation and pedophila? Why or why not?
It would in no way create something that condones child molestation. There is no slippery slope here. This has been brought up in countless other industries. Do movies and games that show violence condone real violence? All evidence points to no. In fact, healthy humans are able to separate fantasy from reality and that’s why we are able to enjoy fantastical things that we would never condone in reality. There is strong evidence to suggest that having these fantasies prevents people from doing immoral things in real life. This is why rape fantasies are okay, but real rape isn’t. It goes on and on.
As far as normalizing and condoning pedophilia, we need to normalize it in that we need to recognize that pedophilia or people who are pedophiles are normal and that they exist. We need to normalize their sexuality and help them not act on it. This is very important. Normalizing sexual abuse of children is not something we should ever do (and again, no evidence to suggest that child sex dolls do that). Normalizing pedophiles acknowledging their attractions and getting help to prevent them from hurting children is something we need to do.
Summary: As someone who has been sexually abused as a child, I am willing to support anything that prevents another child from being sexually abused. If that means sanctioning and providing child s

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